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Faith Lived Out was created from a passion to help women grow in their marriages and in their walk with the Lord. To provide a resource for the biblical view of marriage and how to have confidence and peace as a submissive wife. God's Word truly has the wisdom we need to face today's challenges and to bring us joy in this amazing adventure called life.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"

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Are you wanting a loving Christian marriage but are unsure what that looks like or how to get it? Do you have fears about becoming a submissive wife, afraid that you may lose your identity? Is it a struggle to know what the truth is, to stop worrying, and to put your faith and trust in the Lord? 


I see you and I get you, because as a young wife I felt the very same way. Join me on the podcast, where I share the biblical principles God has taught me for my marriage, as a submissive wife, and as Christian woman living out my faith in Christ.

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him,

for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

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Mentoring Call

Now offering 30-minute mentoring calls for wives seeking biblical insights on how to be submissive in their marriage or for those struggling in their relationship. With a Christ-centered approach, you will receive biblical wisdom and practical steps to help you build a stronger, more fulfilling marriage.


”Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband.“

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On the Blog

Prefer to curl up with your favorite coffee and a good read? 

Visit the blog for all the same great information shared on the podcast, written out for easy reference and note taking.

This Podcast Has Helped Me So Much

"I feel like this podcast was made just for me. Now, I'm listening through all the podcasts and loving how it's improving my faith, marriage, and love of being a mom."
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