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6 Steps to Resolving Conflict

Every marriage has arguments or conflicts. It's a part of the process of learning about one another and melding your thinking and desires together to become one.


Learning how to resolve conflicts properly is what will make the difference in your marriage. As well as help you to grow together so that you have less disagreements over time.


These 6 Steps to Resolving Conflict are the same steps I have used in my marriage over the last 40+ years. Why, because they’re what God teaches and they work.


Please feel free to download this cheat sheet to help remind you of what was taught on the podcast.


If you are looking for how to talk to your husband about an issue, how to have less arguments in your marriage, or want to know more about how to apply these 6 steps to your relationship? I invite you to listen to episodes #84 - 85 of the Faith Lived Out podcast.

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